Evaluation or reputation?

Evaluation is the process of observing and measuring a thing for the purpose of judging it and of determining its “value” either by comparison to similar things, or to a standard (www.itlal.org/?q=node/93) while reputation is the opinion of majority of people over oneself or typically a result of social evaluation on a set of criteria. Evaluation and reputation are both judged and measured against certain standard or set of criteria. However, evaluation could be more objective while reputation is more subjective. Reputation is an opinion of majority of people, somehow cannot be quantified easily when being measured compared to evaluation that can be put in numbers to make it more objective rather than subjective.

When it comes to real life situation, reputation is very personal in approach. It is the perception of the society to one’s personality. This is mostly seen in politicians and public figures like newscasters, showbiz personalities or even known business entities. They became popular and known because of their reputation. If their reputation is good we admired them and even follow them. So they took care of their reputation seriously. But sometimes, protecting their reputation makes them people pleaser rather than living their life to the fullest and according to God’s purpose in their life. Also, this lead them to suicidal tendencies if they cannot live anymore to their “set” reputation which was approved by the society at large. 

However, evaluation may also mean judging and determining one’s value, but we don’t usually use evaluation for one’s personality. I believe evaluation is mostly used in assessing processes, performances, projects or business entities but not based merely on opinion of the society.  It is objective by nature. 

I believe Evaluation and Reputation are two different terminologies with different uses. It cannot be interchanged. But when it will be used for myself, I would rather be evaluated objectively and I could take care of my reputation based on what God’s standards and not merely on majority of people’s opinion. Because at the end of the day, God is GOD and His judgement surpasses all types of judgment here on earth.


Jeredlarida 2016-31144

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